My standard cup of coffee in the morning is from a Keurig pod of Kirkland Summit Medium Roast that I buy in bulk from Costco. I went through several different…
Author: David
Good morning and welcome to the site dedicated to helping you find great products at Costco and other stores!
My name is David Somerville and these are hands on reviews of products that I have bought and used or am seriously considering purchasing.
I do most of my shopping at the Costco in Baton Rouge, Louisiana but will check out any other Costco warehouses I find while travelling.
Please get in touch with any questions and let me know of any great products that deserved to be featured in this blog!
The Tasty Bite Madras Lentils at Costco are Delicious!
I always try to keep a stash of Madras Lentils from Tasty Bite in my pantry. I pick these up in the 8 pack box pretty much every time I…